America the Ugly
A Modern-Day Lament Rooted in Ancient History
Preface: As I lingered in Isaiah chapters one to five an awful and wonderful prophetic message to Judah, I mused what the Lord God might write to America.
Oh, America, America thy rotting soul My heart breaks,
Principles of My Word your foundation laid.
Like My Israel, your sin, this wisdom spurned,
In the vein of Israel, two nations you have become
Two alters your minds embrace, even the righteous ones, corrupting.
Oh, citizens, land of the brave and home of the free
Come let us reason together, return to My Word,
Though your sins be scarlet, repentance will secure
A record expunged; a relationship restored,
Wounds healed; joy returned
And a unity in differences resolutions will find.
Oh, America, America a society disordered,
Technological lads your princes have become,
Oppressors of others, you mar your pride
Raging youth, the wisdom of elders’ spurn,
Good men refuse to serve less vilification is their thanks.
Oh, America, America, against your God, a gifted nation in manifold ways rebels,
Disgorging the gift of life as payment for passion’s pleasure
Ambivalence towards law, both God and man
In the name of justice, injustice practice
Freely displaying grossest sin, freely supporting the sin of others
Discipline and judgment, you leave a righteous God no choice
Oh, America, America, like My Israel, the prophet your sin records
Your destiny of demise, a self-determined judgment
The oppression and aborting of your children
The human trafficking of the image of God
The abandoning of God-defined roles of men and women
The ruling of Jezebels prominent in the seat government
The idol of materialism capturing the hearts of even the righteous
Oh, America, America let your heart and mind assured be
In the last days, the mountain of the house of the LORD will established be
You, with all nations, will stream to His house instruction to receive
Be assured, Oh America, the judge of all the earth himself at your door stands, oh ye foolish ones
Oh, America, come now and walk in the light of the LORD
Walk no longer after religions, mystics, materialism, prosperity and idols
Choose to humble yourself less your God humbles you
Escape the terror of the Lord and Hs splendors of majesty
Oh, America, America, the LORD of hosts, a day of reckoning will have
The arrogant and rebellious He will vanquish
The idols, crafted by men and erected in hearts, will vanish
Stop, oh stop, regarding men whose life is but a nostril’s breath
Who call evil good and good evil,
Oh, your condition, may it be discontent and to your, God return
Become again, America the beautiful, host to my church, and the land of opportunity.