Immediately after the getting up routine, couples should sit with a cup of coffee and recount their blessings. Now this will take some discipline and perhaps getting up a little earlier – you know, before the kids come crashing in wanting to open presents.
So, what should a couple do? With pen and paper in hand, likely the wife so equipped, the husband should lead in a prayer of thanksgiving for the coming savior who is being celebrated. Now, alternatingly, each should share the year’s blessing from a personal perspective—remember, Paul taught us to give thanks in all things, so all blessings are not nice, warm, fuzzy, and feeling-good items. For example, one might give thanks for the accident they were involved in earlier in the year and the occasion that grew from it to evangelize the other driver who came to know the Lord.
However, the majority are going to be positive experiences for which we need to stop and give thanks.
The next thing a couple should do is to enjoy holding hands while each one listens to the other give thanks for their personal list.
Now you are ready to proceed with the day of celebration. This year should start with attending worship since it is Christmas Eve.
So, when do the kids get to rip and tear? Well, if we still had children at home, it would be between 7 and 9 with our having done the first thing about 6 having arisen at 5. By 9:45 everyone would be getting ready for 10:30 worship.
Obviously, the time frame will vary, but a disciplined approach that provides the opportunity to start with personal worship is imperative. Paul put it this. Discipline yourself for godliness.
Dear reader, have a wonderful day. Jesus came to buy your freedom from the slave market of sin. If you have never stopped, confess your sin and receive the eternal life He bought for you, please, do so right now. Here is a simple but effective prayer. “Lord Jesus, today I acknowledge my sin and sinfulness. I understand you died to set me free. Lord, right now, apply your work to me and write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Thank you, Savior.
May you have a blessed Christmas!