How to Handle an Impossible Crisis

Text: Daniel 2


Daniel, a young man uniquely gifted to carry a unique life in a unique role in history, faced an impossible crisis. Just as God uniquely called Daniel, He has also uniquely called each of us to the roles He has ordained for us. This makes everyone He calls unique and gifts everyone with what they need to fulfill His calling for our lives. You are not an ordinary Joe or Jane but a valued servant of the Lord with a unique purpose. This was Daniel’s impossible crisis. You will have your impossible crisis along the journey of life. Take a page from Daniel’s manual on how to handle the impossible crisis that comes your way.

The Crisis 2:1-13

Since Daniel and his three friends were enrolled in the University of Babylon to become wise men, they were now sentenced to death along with all their professors and graduates.

The Strategic Response of Daniel 14-18

  • Don’t panic (14-15)
  • Seek opportunity by acting by faith (16)
  • Seek an answer by prayer (18)

The Implementation of God’s Answer 20-45

  • Give God the credit (20-23)
  • Give witness to God as the source of wisdom (24-30)
  • Give the answer (solution) from God (31-45)

The Resolution to the Crisis (46)

Nebuchadnezzar is humbled by God’s gift to Daniel of the ability to interpret the dream.

The Byproduct of Trusting God and boldly speaking for God (47-49)

  • Recognition of God as Lord of Kings 47
  • Promoted by the King 48
  • Granted his recommendation by the King 49

This, in effect, resulted in godly men holding the positions of power in the pagan kingdom. You may well not have such a grand opportunity, but you will have the opportunity to be God’s person to execute God’s task in God’s life assignment.


Allow me to summarize in contemporary thought-form.  Here are the principles from Daniel’s experience that are viable in every generation.

  1. Do not let the anxiety of the moment generate panic. We do this by living by our commitment to the Lord. He is in charge, and the outcome is up to Him.
  2. Lean into the opportunity that the crisis brings to our door by living in faith in the Almighty God who has called us.
  3. Turn to our God in prayer immediately. While Daniel’s prayer is several sentences long, he reminds me of Peter when he leaned into the opportunity to walk on water but momentarily looked at the wind and began to sink. Help!
  4. Expect God to answer and give Him the credit.
  5. Give witness to God as the source of your wisdom.
  6. Give God’s answer without fear but with respect for the authority to whom you address God’s answer.
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