Facebook Deletes
Occasionally, Facebook has flagged a post and then choose to delete so that it never saw the light of day. These deletes have only occurred when I’ve written something that raises a question about the current establishment. Seems to me this is what we would normally call censorship. What is amazing about this is that my post never contains anything derogatory unless it is in a quote from of some news story about which I raise a question concerning some cultural proceeding that is out of line with the traditional American culture of “one nation under God.”
In such instances, I raise questions to stimulate readers to think for themselves and not to be boxed in the underlying dictates of Critical Theory advocated by the establishment—who seem to have either forgotten history or are determine to rewrite history and thereby shape the future in accordance with a worldview that is bent on destroy freedom for every individual irrespective of skin color or ethnic origin. Oh, yes, America has not always done it well, but its founding documents provided an atmosphere where course correction was possible. The new frontier of Critical Theory is made to sound good, but a close and honest investigation reveals a never ending “king of the hill” mentality that only enriches the academics who propound it while promoting a demoralizing mentality that is increasingly devastating this nation and is accelerating the long happing of the same in Europe and much of the rest of the world.
The Most Recent Deletion
I Got It! Let’s Make a Law
“Why was this law deemed necessary (Scotland’s latest hate speech law)? First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf said the law is necessary to legally curb rising hatred in society, serving as an extension of the 1986 order. He insists the law has a high threshold that must be met before speech can be criminalized. He also posted images to social media of ethnic slurs he said were spray painted on his house the day the law went into effect, using it as an example of why the law is necessary.” (Reported in World, Sift 04-03-24)
Could it be that such scurrilous speech is the biproduct of Scotland’s departure from its Christian heritage? My mother, with a seventh-grade education and her Bible, taught me to respect people of all ethic origins. She also taught me to recognize that name calling was a problem for the perpetrator and only problem for me if I choose to internalize it. A third thing she taught me is to not take vengeance but leave that to the Lord.
Such training as my gentle, quiet mother taught me did not take good hold of me till until about the age of seventeen. However, the same was true with a great percentage of my peers. But in the 1960’s at an increasing rate, such commitment to the common page of American culture framed by Christianity began to rapidly dissipate at an accelerated rate. Hence, we arrive at these ridiculous levels today. And unfortunately crafting such legal codes as the corrective generate much more heat than light since there is not common page by which to determine a threshold since “my truth is my truth, and your truth is your truth.” We might set a law in place, but the means of interpreting that law does not exist.
We have come to the place that what is the proper interpretation depends upon who happens to be king of the hill. Remember that game. Who ever is the king is the power, but everyone else desires to remove the king so he (they) can become king for as long as he (they) is powerful enough to retain the position. Little wonder we need King Jesus. The rest of us are all flawed and hence we need Him to determine right and wrong and for Him to execute appropriate discipline.
So, You Judge
Other than being offensive by way of critique of Critical Theory cultural tends, what is this piece earns the badge of deletion?
Such issues as the First Minister of Scotland attempted to address by his new laws was of little value in correcting the problem. Certainly, Scotland has laws regarding the defacing of property. All that was necessary was enforcement of the existing law, a law about which no one must make an interpretation. It is black and white. Either someone sprayed paint or they did not.
Now, (as my long-ago friend, Steve Brown would say) You think about that!
Conclusion and Implementation
There are many times when it seems that the only people to whom the First Amendment applies is the radicals like Senator Chuck who can threaten Supreme Justices with whom he disagrees. However, it is a citizen’s right, all citizens. That means all citizens and that means even the unpleasant speech of some who admittedly use their right in very wrongly. In due time, the Lord will pass His judgment and will do so with righteous judgment. Hence, we all need to absorb the hurts, hand them over to God, and get on with life.
Secondly, we all need to speak up in defense of Free Speech especially when those who hold biblical values like binary understanding of sexual identity and in good conscience cannot miss use pronouns for the sake of being culturally acceptable.
As more than one writer has noted, “When good men do nothing evil triumphs.” This has been attributed to Edmund Burke, but Reuters fact check says not so. It does not matter who said it, it is a reality. At any rate, let’s not test it. Let’s stand for the First Amendment.