How To Live in a Broken Governance

Through the Eye of the Judge

Today, I read the accounts of Jephthah and Samson (13-16). After that, I read the current issue of World magazine. I had the sense that the latter was an extension of the former. It reminded me of the passage before us, which is overviewed below. Read the Judges passages and World if you have it, if not any media piece will give you the flavor. Then consider this passage and ask yourself to implement the three things recommended at the end.

Matthew 23


Throughout Matthew’s Gospel, we find the account of Jesus demonstrating how to live in a broken world. This section of the Gospel might be considered a summary review of the perspective of the Righteous Messiah living under broken governance. He regularly attends temple worship. He pays the required taxes. He practices tithing, justice, mercy, and faithfulness. However, he does not meet all the manufactured requirements imposed by the religious leaders. And remember, for Jews, the religious leaders administered both civil and religious life. Yes, there was also the civil rule of the Romans (and he lives above reproach before that civil court as well), but that was superimposed over Israel so that their civil and ecclesiastical government was circumscribed by it.

Evidence 1-26

  1. Woe of the broken system 1-3

[Understand the nature of the broken governance]

  1. Woe to the arrogant 4-11
  2. Woe to religiously insincere 12-22
  3. Woe to legalism 23-26 (loophole users)
  4. Woe to self-righteous (self-justifiers) 27-33
  5. Woe to rejectors of Truth 24-26 

Sentence 37-38

  • Imposed by a sorrowful judge 37 [who had descended from the bench to pay the penalty for all who would repent]
  • Capital in nature 38

Hope 39


What the rulers tell you to do is consistent with my Word (spoken by Moses), so do it!

What they do that is inconsistent with my Word, do not do it!

So, what do we need to live in this broken governance? Three things:

  1. A knowledge of God’s Word
  2. A commitment to God and His Word
  3. A courage to live out the Word of God
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