The Kettle and the Frog


This is a ubiquitous metaphor everyone immediately gets but unfortunately seldom applies to themselves. This is a critical error. Why? because we in America and Great Britain are frogs in the kettle, and we are being conditioned on every front. Here are some examples of how we are being conditioned.

In his final months in office, President Biden is focusing on judicial reform of the Supreme Court, citing what he termed “mired in a crisis of ethics.” and distrusted.”  During the Warren court, I can remember, in my naivety, wondering how we can stop this liberal insanity. My problem with the court is Biden’s problem with the court being in the opposite direction, with a significant added twist. Biden’s issue is moral—the court has been standing on moral principles that give meaning to the concept of ethics. The Warren court was a philosophical-political matter. These fundamental moral issues concern human dignity—the endowment of inalienable rights clearly defined by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Miles Smith’s observation about the UK’s shift towards authoritarian thought police is a stark departure from the nation’s historical stance against censorship. The departure from this anti-totalitarian tradition, which once inspired the world, is a cause for serious concern1.

Toyota refuses responsibility because a car was driven more than 85mph2.

The owner’s manual warns that the car should not be driven over 85mph. The reason is that tires are not rated to do so and could fail. However, the problem with the car that burned had nothing to do with the tires. The same manual directs the owner to check with the dealer to determine if the tires on his vehicle are high-speed rated. But here is the catcher. How did Toyota know the car had exceeded the 85mph marker? As I understood in the article, the answer is that Toyota has a chip in the vehicle that tracks the driver’s every move. This is just one example of how our electronics track us, leading to a significant and alarming loss of freedom. When I jump in my car, mount my phone, and crank my engine, the phone immediately blinks and tells me how many minutes it takes to go to the church or the home. I am not free! In using the tech for convenience, I am yielding myself to being conditioned by corporate America and the political system. 

Critical Theory has been the heat that conditioned us to Critical Race Theory, Critical Law Theory, Critical Gender Theory, and other applications. These destructive forces have generated divisiveness and hatred, educational degradation, DEI offices in universities, and cooperate offices, effectively ripping apart our idea of a democratic republic.

Today’s Dilemma

The Apostles were born into a society that brought development to civilization. In Galatians four, Paul observed that Jesus came forth in the fullness of time. I will never forget Dr. Allen McRae’s lecture at the beginning of our Modern Church History class. He pointed out how the Providential preparation for Jesus’ coming. The Roman transportation system opens most of the known world for the spread of the gospel. Roman citizenship and laws provided a high level of safety for movement throughout the empire. Thirdly, Greek, the trade language, was amazingly suited for formulating theological discussions. He also pointed out how Paul had taken advantage of the time he was born. McRae challenged us to live in our culture and utilize our Constitutional protection and modern developments to proclaim the Gospel.

My dilemma is this. How do I utilize all this modern technology and not become its victim? The answer is you don’t, and you do. What, you say, kind of answer is that? It is this. At some point, you become the victim. For example, Google tracks every move you make when you use Chrome. Microsoft tracks every move you make when you use Explorer. If you search for an article on the best fishing bait for catching bass and note within moments, you will see an ad for complimentary fishing gear. I did so while writing this paragraph, and nine sponsored sites immediately appeared. I then asked, “Basic facts about Martin Luther,” and again instantly was provided a sponsored ad page. 

Paul proceeded to use his freedom. Paul used the Roman roads and the shipping channels. He used his freedom of speech. He appealed to his citizenship for protection. But eventually, the system failed him. We should use every advantage of our times for the gospel. But, also, like Paul, we should be judicious and do so with understanding. Or, to use the metaphor of Jesus, we should be wise as serpents yet harmless as doves.

The expected outcome at some point

Be careful when you read what I’m about to say and don’t make me say what I did not say.

Mark thirteen and Matthew twenty-four there is recorded Jesus’ prediction of the end times. The Apostle Paul contributes some details, as does John in Revelation. When we read these passages and throw in Daniel, the last days look gloomy, preceding the return of Christ. There is good reason to see these passages speaking to a globalized controlling evil and commerce being conditional on possessing the mark of the beast—the antichrist. Given the current and rapid development, one must wonder if, perhaps, that mark of the beast will be some utilization of AI in some fashion.

Now, that is speculation. This is not speculation. We are in a pot, adjusting the heat and being conditioned to be comfortable with being monitored at every turn of our lives. This is a specific outcome. 

The Challenge

How to use all available resources WISELY for the gospel. Do not naively adapt to the heat in the process. Be wise, protect yourself. Remember, Paul did so by using his Roman citizenship. However, we should also realize that evil will sometimes control for a season, but Jesus is coming back to redeem his Kingdom. Little wonder Paul points to Jesus’ return as the ultimate hope and encouragement in every age (I Thessalonians 4:13-18).

  1.  Ibid ↩︎
  2. Cited 08-15-24 ↩︎
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